RIMPAC 2024 - PLATH-TECHNOLOGIE impresses with its high degree of automation and the outstanding sensitivity of its sensors
The world's largest naval exercise, RIMPAC 2024, came to an end at the beginning of August. For the first time this year, two German warships took part in the five-week multinational maneuver: the frigate “Baden-Württemberg” and the German Navy's fleet auxiliary vessel “Frankfurt am Main”. This year's major maneuver, organized by the US Navy, was deployed in the sea areas around the Hawaiian Islands and the islands themselves. PLATH solutions were also deployed.
The exercise began at the end of June and will continue until August 1. During the initial port phase, the crews of the 29 participating nations coordinated intensively and used the time for logistical preparations. Individual exercises on land took place during this time, as did training for explosives experts and explosive ordnance disposal specialists, for example. On July 9, the majority of the 40 naval vessels involved set sail from the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, marking the start of the naval phase of the manoeuvre, which lasted almost four weeks.
One of the objectives of the exercise was to set up and operate LINK16 for the exchange of situation information and object data. Among other things, a highly mobile PLATH direction finder system was used to provide bearing and position data for the CESMO system (Co-operative Electronic Support Measure Operations). The system was operated mobile and semi-stationary in conjunction with the German reconnaissance forces.
It was shown that the modular system solutions from PLATH, with their high degree of automation and the outstanding sensitivity of the sensors, make a significant contribution to situational awareness. The consistently positive feedback and enthusiasm during the exercise speak for PLATH's solutions and confirm that we will continue to take CESMO compatibility into account in our system concepts in the future and contribute to the further development of the standard through projects such as #RIMPAC.